Congratulations to Prof. Arif Masud, who has been awarded the 2019 G. I. Taylor Medal by the Society of Engineering Science in recognition of “sustained and outstanding research contributions to the area of fluid mechanics.” In particular, Prof. Masud is cited “for fundamental contributions to the theory of Stabilized and Variational Multiscale Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics and their widespread adoption and utilization in industry and at national laboratories.” The prize is in the form of the Taylor Medal and a monetary award of $2,000, and Prof. Masud will deliver a Plenary Lecture at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Society that will take place in October 2019 at Washington University in St. Louis.
Announcing the 2019 Award Winners from the Society of Engineering Science (SES)
Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor (G.I. Taylor) was a British physicist and mathematician, and a major figure in fluid dynamics and wave theory. The past recipients of the award from late 1900 include renowned academicians Sir James Lighthill, Andreas Acrivos, Geroge K. Batchelor, and Grigory I. Barenblatt [Past Recipients of this International Award].
The G.I. Taylor Medal of SES