• CEE-471 (or TAM equivalent for MechSE / AE students).
• Familiarity with Matlab programming.
• A first-year graduate course on FEA (Pre / Co-requisite).
Course Description
Additive Manufacturing (AM) involves processes where a
component can be fabricated directly from the Computer
Aided Design (CAD). This course is designed to make
students familiar with Direct Digital Manufacturing (DDM)
process both in theory and in practice. It will focus on the
Mechanics of AM technologies that involve (3D) layerbased
manufacturing with Polymer and Cementitious
materials. Expected outcome of the course is a trained
student who possesses basic scientific understanding of
this emerging technology and is aware of the important
New Course Offering Spring 2019 CEE-498-Additive-Manufacturing
Please see the following to the course flyer: CEE-498-Additive-Manufacturing