2022 Illinois Structural Engineering Conference


Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at the I Hotel And Conference Center in Champaign, IL

The participants are a diverse group of engineers from local, state, and federal agencies; consulting and contracting firms; and universities. The conference is designed for professionals in structural engineering to discuss exciting new developments in the field, gain timely job-related information, network with colleagues, and renew their sense of professional purpose.

2022 Final Program

The program will provide a maximum of 7.5 professional development hours (PDH) for professional engineers. Click here for the program.


All program sessions will be held in the Illinois Ballroom at the I Hotel and Conference Center, 1900 S. First Street, Champaign, Illinois 61820. Complimentary parking is available for conference participants. Click here for hotel map.

Directions to the I Hotel and Conference Center

Post Conference Event

Campus Instructional Facility Tour  —  5:00-5:45pm

We are excited to offer a tour of the new Campus Instructional Facility (CIF).  The building opened in Fall 2021, and is a new center for collaborative learning for the College of Engineering.  The tour is approximately 30-45 minutes long, and will consist of walking through the entire building, stopping at several locations to discuss the key design features of the project – the exposed AESS steel feature details and connections, the exposed concrete structural elements, and the unique structural brick façade.  Your tour guides will explain the challenges faced by the design and construction teams, as they executed a project where the majority of the structural and MEP systems were exposed and made to be part of the architecture.

The tour guides are key individuals in the design and operation of the building:

Jim Pawlikowski – Principal/Director of Engineering at REX Engineering Group, and former Associate Director at SOM – senior project structural engineer for the CIF, and Adjunct Instruction in the UIUC Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Toby Mitchell – Associate at SOM – project structural engineer for the CIF

Eric Vetter – Campus Instructional Facility Manager, UIUC

1405 W Springfield Ave, Urbana, IL 61801 Auditorium – Room 1025

Parking available at meters.  Nearby lots available beginning at 5 p.m.


Students who did not register, sign in at the registration table. Let registration staff know you are not registered.

All participants must be registered in advance, there will be no registration at the door.

The early bird registration fee is $175 per person which includes all program sessions and lunch. Beginning March 31, 2022 the registration fee is $195.

UIUC faculty and students may attend the conference at no cost (registration with university email required). Verification may be requested.

UIUC students who wish to have lunch at the event can register by selecting “UIUC Student with Lunch” and pay the $15 fee.

Refund Policy:
All cancellations must be notified by e-mail to Marissa Miller at marissam@illinois.edu.

Full refund minus $25 processing fee available up until one week before the conference. No refunds will be processed after March 30, 2022.

Should university guidance require us to shift away from an in-person event, we will switch to a full virtual format and notify via email given in registration. Partial refund will occur if the conference is forced to move virtual.

If you find you are unable to attend the conference after the refund deadline, you can request the transfer of your registration to another participant by notifying Marissa Miller at marissam@illinois.edu before the conference.

Best Poster Award for Structural Engineering Students

Poster Session will be held in Heritage Hall during breaks and lunch.
Morning Break 10:20 a.m.
Lunch 12:00 p.m.
Afternoon Break 2:45 p.m.

Click here for hotel map.

The 2022 Illinois Structural Engineering Conference scheduled to be held at the I-Hotel on Wednesday, April 6, 2022 is sponsoring a Best Poster Award during the conference. The award is open to all Illinois structural engineering graduate students. The poster size should be 48in. x 36in. and should present the student’s own research. The student should be the lead author and presenter of the poster. Students are expected to be present next to their posters at the conference during lunch time and coffee breaks. All non-Illinois conference attendees will be asked to cast their votes for the best poster. The Best Poster Award winner will be announced at the conclusion of the conference. The winner will receive a certificate and a $200 award.

Students who intend to participate should register their posters by sending an email to conference chair, Professor Bassem Andrawes (andrawes@illinois.edu) and copy Marissa Miller (marissam@illinois.edu) by Friday, March 25, 2022. The email should include the title of the poster and the name of the student’s research advisor. The first 10 students to register will have their poster printing fees covered by the conference. For any questions, please contact Professor Andrawes.

COVID-19 Information

Masks and proof of a COVID-19 negative test or vaccination are no longer required to attend the conference. Individuals are welcome to wear a face covering should they choose.


Room Block Closed
A room block is being held at the I-Hotel for the night of Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at a rate of $159 per night. This room rate is guaranteed until Sunday, March 20, 2022. Click here to book with this room block.

2022 Participant Email List

Back by popular demand, the conference participant email list.

2022 Planning Committee

Abbas Aminmansour, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Bassem Andrawes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Pat Claussen, IDOT
Han Ding, SOM
Ryne Fiorito, Hanson Professional Services, Inc.
William Gamble, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Andrew Keaschall, Benesch
Andrew Kimmle, Jacobs
Richard Kristie, WJE
James LaFave, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Franklin Lombardo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jordan McNally, Lochner
Lawrence Novak, ICCSafe
James Pawlikowski, REX Engineering Group
Tony Shkurti, HNTB Corporation
Matt Streid, MKA
Ann Sychterz, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Todd Ude, Parsons
Martin White, TGRWA
X. Shelly Zhang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


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