Thursday, March 26, 2020
About the Conference
The participants are a diverse group of engineers from local, state, and federal agencies; consulting and contracting firms; and universities. The conference is designed for professionals in structural engineering to gather in Champaign-Urbana to discuss exciting new developments in the field, gain timely job-related information, network with colleagues, and renew their sense of professional purpose.
Professional Development Hours
The conference will provide 6.5 professional development hours (PDH) for professional engineers.
All program sessions will be held at the I Hotel and Conference Center, 1900 S. First Street, Champaign, Illinois 61820. Complimentary parking is available for conference participants.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the I Hotel until February 25, 2020. Please use the block code “SE20 or Structural Engineering” to receive the discounted rate of $139.00 + tax. After February 25, the discounted room rate will not be available.
The university has processed full refunds for all registrations paid online. Should you have questions about your registration, please contact Marissa Miller at (
The early registration fee is $170 per person (on or before March 12, 2020) and includes all program sessions, conference materials, refreshments, and lunch. The registration fee after March 12 is $195.
UIUC students may attend the conference at no cost and may purchase lunch for $15.
The registration fee for non UIUC students is $25 and includes all program sessions, conference materials, refreshments, and lunch.
If you register and find you cannot attend, a refund less a 10% processing fee, will be made if you send a written request to Marissa Miller at on or before March 12, 2020. No refunds will be processed after March 12, 2020. You can instead send another colleague in your place.
Post Conference Social
The Structural Engineering Graduate Student Organization invites you to attend a reception immediately following the 2020 Illinois Structural Engineering Conference in the Chancellor Ballroom. This informal gathering is a great way to interact with faculty and students from the University and industry professionals. RSVP here!
Best Poster Award for Structural Engineering Graduate Students
The 2020 Illinois Structural Engineering Conference scheduled to be held at the I-Hotel on March 26th, 2020 is sponsoring a Best Poster Award during the conference. The award is open to all Illinois structural engineering graduate students. Click for more information.
Planning Committee
Abbas Aminmansour, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Bassem Andrawes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Mark Capron, Jacobs
Pat Claussen, IDOT
Larry Fahnestock, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ryne Fiorito, Hanson Professional Services, Inc.
William Gamble, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Robert Hong, H. W. Lochner
Thomas Janicke, Benesch
Mike Johnson, PCI-IW
Andrew Kimmle, Jacobs
Richard Kristie, WJE
James LaFave, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
David Nickell, TGRWA
Lawrence Novak, International Code Council
James Pawlikowski, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, LLP
Tony Shkurti, HNTB Corporation
Rob Stadler, Thornton Tomasetti
Matt Streid, MKA